For the past couple of years I have been playing around with the idea to create a progressive woodworking for kids and young adults. (To learn the full back story of the Young Maker’s Guild click on the About section of that page). I have been struggling with trying to come up with a “first project” to launch in the guild and just couldn’t find any clarity.
When not at work at my full time job, my wife and I have been at home socially distancing ourselves from the world. Instead of laying around and watching Netflix I wanted to use this time to devote to something creative and productive. One morning at shift change, (I’m a fireman) I heard a couple of the guys talking about how their kids are starting to run out of things to do, and they started resorting to Netflix to keep the kids occupied. That same morning I read an email from Ramit Sethi that really inspired me to go forward with my idea of the Young Maker’s Guild.
Due to the state of emergency the world was in I wanted something I could come up with fast to put out into the world. It is spring time and there are the birds are coming out in full force. I remembered when I was in Boy Scouts we built a bird house.
That was it. It was something simple enough to build for kids of all ages, and a project that may stimulate some creativity. I could start cutting the cedar to put into kits and it was a project available to the world a couple of days later.
I made this bird house out of cedar so it would be insect and rot resistant. I did some quick research and created a house that would suit a house wren or chickadee, common birds in our area. I think I am going to leave this a natural cedar color and not seal it so it can weather naturally.
I look forward to hours of sitting in the kitchen drinking coffee in our house watching the trees come to life and the birds moving into their house.
Interested in your own cedar birdhouse kit? Click the button below.